Causes of AC Water Leaks

During the hot summer months, your AC unit will probably have to work overtime. However, you might wonder why it is happening if your AC unit is leaking water. You’re probably thinking about things you can do to stop it.  

If your AC is leaking water, the best thing you can do is to hire a professional Denver AC repair company.  

Today, we are going to talk about some of the causes of AC water leaks.  

Low Refrigerant 

The pressure inside your AC unit is also low if the volume of refrigerant is low. Because of this, your evaporator coil will freeze. This will produce a wet mess.  

You should check the levels of refrigerant if you notice that your AC is not cooling down your house as it should. Other indications include a bubbling or hissing noise. This can indicate that your AC has a refrigerant leak. 

You may be able to fix the damage if you catch a leak in time. If it is too late, you might have to purchase a new AC unit to replace the old one. 

To prevent these issues from happening, you should have your AC unit regularly inspected. To prevent leaks and other problems, you ideally should have a complete assessment of your AC unit at the start of each summer.  

Dirty Air Filter 

For those who don’t know, every month, you’ve got to change the air filter of your AC unit. If your air filter is dirty, it can make the unit work harder. This leads to potential worn-out or damaged components.  

Aside from causing strain to the HVAC unit of your house, a dirty filter can also block the airflow that moves over the evaporator coil of your unit. The coil becomes very cold and will begin to freeze if the air is blocked.  

That is why you should pay close attention to the air filter of your unit. Depending on how dirty it is, you should replace it every 30 to 60 days. It can be the reason why your AC unit is leaking water inside your home if the filter appears to be very clogged or dirty.  

A Clogged Drain Line 

There is a high possibility that it is due to a clogged condensate drain line if your AC is leaking inside your house. This line can become clogged with debris such as mold, dust, or dirt over time.  

Water cannot escape if your condensate line gets clogged. This means that it will not properly drain to the exterior side of your house. The line becomes backed up. This causes the condensation to come back and leak water inside the house.  

Getting rid of the debris is one simple approach to unclog the drain line. You can do this using a dry or wet vac. This will get rid of any debris that is causing the water to back up. It also helps to free up the line to enable water to drain properly.  

You might have to contact an HVAC professional if this method does not work.  

Using Your AC to Prevent Allergies

It does not matter what season it is. Allergy season will always be a dreaded time. However, during the pandemic, allergy season becomes a bit more complicated. According to experts, Covid-19 and allergies have a lot of similar symptoms.  

One mistake that a lot of people make is to think that they are free from allergens just because they are spending most of their time indoors. Well, that isn’t the case. There are a lot of allergens inside that can also trigger allergies.  

Today, we’re going to share with you some tips on how to use your AC to prevent allergies, from replacing air filters to hiring AC repair Longmont company. 

Replace the Air Filters 

The purpose of air filters is to capture allergens such as mold spores, dust, and pollen so that they do not get circulated across the system. This is a useful tool. However, homeowners often find themselves disappointed with the performance. Typically, the reason for this is that the air filters have been ignored for a long time and have become clogged. Every air filter has to be replaced eventually. However, it is best that you examine your air filters before you make a major investment. Also, ensure they do not have to be replaced.  

Manage the Humidity 

Making sure that you’ve got an HVAC unit that is sized properly and cleaning your air ducts can help to manage the humidity in your house. However, adequately cooling your home can often cause humidity problems. This happens when the conditioned and cool air meets the warm air in your house. Of course, there is a possibility for mold growth if there is humidity. This is a common problem. That is why a lot of HVAC units have a dehumidifying option. Maybe it is time for you to invest in a dehumidifier if your HVAC unit doesn’t have this option. 

Size Matters 

For those who don’t know, it is extremely crucial to have an HVAC unit that is properly sized for your house. Aside from having an efficient unit, it also helps in keeping out allergens from your unit. Your unit will cool your home too fast and then shut off if it is too big. This causes fluctuating humidity and quick changes in temperature. These are ideal conditions for the growth of mold, both in the house that is being cooled and in your air ducts.  

Air Ducts 

Your air ducts should ideally be helping you to prevent mildew, mold, dust, and pollen. However, they will not be able to operate at maximum performance if they have not been cleaned for a long period. Because of this, allergens can start to accumulate inside.  

Mold usually grows in your air ducts if something is blocking ventilation. This causes a humid or warm atmosphere inside the ducts. Because of this, you need to hire a professional to clean your ducts if you start to notice allergy symptoms in your house. These professionals will examine your ducts and clean them thoroughly to get rid of the accumulated allergens.